Since October 2019 I have been with the University of Waikato. In the past, I worked at INF/UFRGS Federal University (Associate Professor, 2010–2019), UNISINOS University (Adjunct Professor, 1993–2008), PUC-RS University (2008–2009), as well as an Invited Adjunct Professor at UNAL, Colombia.

My research has addressed a range of challenges as technology evolved, covering the non-functional properties of performance, security and resilience of networked systems and their underlying protocols. My key research interest has been on Internet measurements and network security.

I have regularly contributed to the network research community by serving in multiple committees. I was the general co-chair of ACM SIGCOMM 2016 and have been serving as Program Committee co-chair of ACM CoNEXT 2022. I have contributed as a member of several Technical Program Committees of conferences: ACM CoNEXT, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICNP, ACM HotNets, ACM IMC, IFIP Networking, etc. I was a member of the ACM SIGCOMM Executive Committee 2017-2021, and have been a co-chair of the ACM SIGCOMM CARES committee. I also contributed as a member of the steering committees of ACM CoNEXT and the PAM conference, and chairing the Advisory Board of the ACM PACM-NET journal.

I am fortunate to have supervised many bright students (and hope some new ones look for me in the future). Contact me if you are interested, but to be sure I am a good fit for you, please first read my recent papers and be ready to talk about the ones that interested you: it’s a proof-of-work without which you may not get a response :) If you are unaware of my work, I may not respond to your email.


  • Internet measurements
  • Network security


  • PhD in Computer Science, 1998

    Newcastle University, UK

  • MSc in Computer Science, 1993

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil

  • BSc in Computer Science, 1989

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil