
Marinho Barcellos

Senior Lecturer

My Profile at University of Waikato

I am a Senior Lecturer at the University of Waikato 2019–now. In the past, I have worked for different academic institutions: INF/UFRGS in Brazil 2010–2019, PUC-RS University in Brazil 2008–2009, University of Manchester/BT Labs 2003-2004 in the UK, UNISINOS University in Brazil 1993–2008.

As demonsrated by my publications, my research has addressed a range of challenges as technology evolved, covering the non-functional properties of performance, security and resilience of networked systems and their underlying protocols. My key research interest has been on Internet measurements and network security. I have regularly contributed to the scientific community by serving in multiple committees.

I am fortunate to have supervised many bright students. Contact me if you are interested, but to be sure I am a good fit for you, please first read my recent work.


  • Internet measurements
  • Network security


  • PhD in Computer Science, 1998

    Newcastle University, UK

  • MSc in Computer Science, 1993

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil

  • BSc in Computer Science, 1989

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil



  • AINTEC'24 is welcoming submissions of papers; the deadline has been extended to May 20. The event will be co-located to SIGCOMM in Sydney. Instructions to submit here


  • new measurement paper about remote peering appearing in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. congratulations, Fabricio!
  • contributed to ACM SIGCOMM 2024 PC, in Sydney
  • talk on remote peering presented in APRICOT 54 peering forum
  • Philipp and Bajpai organised a great PAM 2024 (Passive and Active Measurement Conference). happy to contribute to its success in the pc
  • happy to contribute to AINTEC'24 as a PC co-chair (with Polly Huang)
  • our paper exploring the use of NLP to characterise amplification DDoS from flow samples was accepted at PACMNET journal and will be presented in CoNEXT'23 in Paris. well done, Rav!
  • best reviewer award received from SBSeg 2023 (the Brazilian Symposium on Information and Systems Security)
  • congratulations, Felipe, who successfully defended his PhD thesis (LiU, Sweden). Thanks Mikael for the opportunity to co-supervise Felipe.
  • got a taste of Thailand as a keynote in the BKNIX Peering Forum. the event organisation was spotless, in May.
  • helping as Advisory PC member for IEEE INFOCOM 2024
  • busy teaching two full papers right now (July-November): COMPX204 Practical Networking and Cyber Security and COMPX515 Security of Advanced Networks.
  • happy to contribute to ACM IMC 2023 as a TPC member. the cfp is here
  • new paper with Felipe and Mikael to appear on ACM WiSec'23, Provable Non-Frameability for 5G Lawful Interception
  • expanding admin duties, starting Dec 2022, as Deputy Head of Department, Computer Science, UoW
  • Christopher Lorier, a co-supervision with Richard and Matthew, has defended his PhD at UoW, with the thesis title Algorithmic Mapping of Software-Defined Networking Pipelines.
  • happy to chair the Advisory Board of the new ACM PACMNET journal, along with a great committee (Jia Wang, Morley Mao, Olivier Bonaventure, and Joerg Ott)
  • the list of papers accepted at CoNEXT 2022 is available. Congratulations to all authors! to Fabricio and Pedro too, for our paper on BGP communities!
  • contributed to a panel on internationalisation of the measurement community in Brazil, during the 4th measurement workshop organised by RNP
  • chairing the best paper award committee of IEEE ICNP 2022
  • Fabricio presented our remote peering work in APNIC 54
  • the notification for CoNEXT 2022 has been sent. congratulations to authors of accepted papers! the conference happens 6-9 December, in Rome
  • very happy to team with Justine Sherry for CoNEXT 2022
  • congrats Fabricio for the PAM 2022 paper on assessing the impact of remote peering (with Pedro, Ignacio and Matthew
  • helping IEEE ICNP 2022 as pc member
  • helping IFIP Networking 2022 as pc member
  • chairing SIGCOMM CARES with Jen Rexford
  • reviewing work as PC member of IEEE ICNP 2022 and IFIP Networking 2022
  • ACM SIGCOMM Lifetime Award 2021 committee, with Phillipa Gill, Anja Feldmann, and Craig Partridge. congrats Hari Balakrishnan (MIT)
  • leaving the ACM SIGCOMM Executive Committee after four years mandate. thanks Roch and my former colleagues in the EC ( Sujata, Steve, Lars, Christophe, Anduo, Dina and Keshav). I’ll miss you all. I wish I had done more. best of luck to Ellen, Matt, Jia and the rest of the EC.
  • helping with CoNEXT'21 (Publicity co-chair with Marwan and Jia). we attracted roughly the same number of submissions as last year, despite being a virtual conference
  • helping with the organisation of SIGCOMM'21 (Demos co-chair with Marco, also with David and Athina for posters)
  • constructive feedback to authors of CoNEXT 2021, ICNP 2021 and TMA 2021
  • happy to learn that our paper “Dynamic Property Enforcement in Programmable Data Planes” has been accepted at IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Congrats Miguel!
  • happy to get one the few awards as Distinguished Member of the 2021 INFOCOM TPC
  • chairing the best paper award committee for CoNEXT 2020
  • nice presentation by Pedro during IMC 2020. the videos are here 5min and 20min
  • joining the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Organisation Committee as a demo-chair with Chiesa, hopefully in Netherlands
  • contributing to IEEE INFOCOM 2022 as a pc member
  • our work “AS-Path Prepending: there is no rose without a thorn”, with Pedro, Lars, Leal, Alberto and Anja has been accepted at ACM IMC 2020
  • congrats Lucas for the Spoofing paper accepted at Computer Networks Journal, with Matthew, Bradley, and kc, expanding the work on CoNEXT 2019
  • helping in the committee to choose the best paper award for IFIP Networking 2020
  • Leal has been accepted to a Ph.D. in Waikato, with a grant provided by the University, to work with me and Matthew Luckie on Internet measurements and cyber-security
  • working for Anja and Dongsu as an ACM CoNEXT 2020 pc member.
  • working for Roch and Peter as a IEEE ICNP 2020 pc member
  • congratulations Miguel for successfully defending his PhD on p4box. thanks Theo, Richard, Christian and Luciano for serving as examiners.
  • congrats Lucas for defending his PhD thesis (Spoofing-IX) with a distinction award. examiners were Renata, Artur and Jefferson. thanks kc, Matthew and Bradley for supporting Lucas.


PhD Students


Atthapan Daramas

UoW PhD 2020-…


Dimeji Fayomi

UoW PhD 2019-…


Ravjot Singh Samra

UoW MCS 2022, UoW PhD 2023-…

Master Students


Amith Sankar

UoW MCS 2024


Bhim Rai

UoW MCS 2024


Chumao Wu

UoW MCS 2024


Kevin Han

UoW MCS 2024


Peter Wanyonyi

UoW MCS 2024


Xiaoye Hua

UoW MCS 2024

Graduation Projects


Logan Cook

UoW COMPX520 2024



Fabricio Mazzola

UFRGS PhD 2019-2023


Felipe Boeira

UFRGS MSc 2017-2018, LiU PhD 2019-2023


Christopher Lorier

UoW PhD 2019-2023


Miguel Neves

UFRGS PhD 2015-2020, now a post-doc at Dalhousie University


Lucas Muller

UFRGS MSc 2012-2014, UFRGS PhD 2015-2020, now a Senior Technical Lead at Cisco, San Francisco


Lucas Freire

UFRGS MSc 2016-2018, now at Banrisul Bank


Rodolfo Antunes

UFRGS PhD 2010-2016, now an Adjunct Professor at UNISINOS University


Rodrigo Mansilha

UFRGS MSc 2009-2012, UFRGS PhD 2012-2017, now an Adjunct Professor at UNIPAMPA University


Flavio Santos

UFRGS MSc 2008-2010, UFRGS PhD 2010-2013, now a Data Infrastructure Engineer at Spotify, Sweden


Tobias Petry

UFRGS MSc 2013-2015, now a Systems Programmer at Conectivida


Daniel Marcon

UFRGS MSc 2011-2013, UFRGS PhD 2013-2017, now a Professor at UNISINOS University


Akhil Chandel

UoW MCS 2021, now with Gallagher Security


Bruce Parkinson

UoW MCS 2022


Florin Zaicu

UoW PhD 2019-2022


Rodrigo Oliveira

UFRGS MSc 2011-2013, UFRGS PhD 2013-2018 (inc), now a Software Development Lead at Nelogica


Samuel Davies

UoW MCS 2022

Public service

Editorial Committees
Steering Committees
  • ACM CoNEXT 2019-2021
  • PAM Passive & Active Measurement Conference 2019-2023
Program Chair
Program Committees
Organisation Committees


Google Scholar profile.

(2005). Reliable multicast for the Grid: a case study in experimental computer science. Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.


Why are you receiving connection attempts from this host?

These connections are part of a computer science research project at the University of Waikato, School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences. This research involves making a small number of harmless connection attempts to every publicly accessible computer on the Internet. Similarly to so many other scientific studies, this allows us to methodologically measure the Internet and analyse trends in technology deployment and security.

As part of this specific investigation, every public IP address in the Aotearoa’s cyberspace receives a handful of packets on IANA standard and non-standard ports. These consist of conventional connection attempts followed by RFC-compliant protocol handshakes with responsive hosts. We use only tools that have been used in dozens of other scientific studies worldwide (e.g. ZMap, Masscan, ZGrab2 and LZR). We never attempt to exploit security problems, guess passwords, or change device configurations. Furthermore, we only receive data that is publicly visible to anyone who connects to a particular address and port.

This project was ethically approved by the University and follows the widely accepted best practices for Internet scanning measurements.

Why are we collecting this data?

The data collected through these connections consists only of information that is already publicly visible on the Internet. It helps us, computer scientists, study the deployment and configuration of network protocols and security technologies. We may be able to detect vulnerable systems and responsibly report the problems to the network operators.

This research helps the scientific community accurately study the Internet.

How to opt out of these measurements

The data is sometimes used to detect security problems and to inform operators of vulnerable systems so that they can be fixed. If you opt out of the research, you might not receive these important security notifications.

If you wish to opt out, please use research-abuse@wand.net.nz to let us know. We will promptly exclude your network from the set of measurements.

Dr. Marinho Barcellos
WAND Research Group
University of Waikato


Computer Science Graduation ceremony, 2015/1, keynote speaker (see distinctions below).

School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Waikato

Trimester 2023-B (July to November)
  • COMPX204: Practical Networking and Cyber Security
  • COMPX515: Security for Advanced Networks
Trimester 2023-A (February to July)
  • COMPX304: Advanced Networking and Cyber Security (with Vimal Kumar)
Trimester 2022-B (July to November)
  • COMPX515: Security for Advanced Networks
  • COMPX101: Introduction to Programming (with Colin Pilbrow)
Trimester 2021-A (March to July)
  • ENGEN103: Engineering Computing HAM/TGA (with Jacob Heerikhuisen)
Trimester 2021-B (July to November)
  • COMPX515: Security for Advanced Networks
Trimester 2021-A (March to July)
  • COMPX203: Computer Systems (with David Bainbridge)
  • COMPX101: Introduction to Programming
Trimester 2020-B (July to November)
  • COMPX515: Security for Advanced Networks
  • COMPX318: Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things (with Bill Rogers)
  • COMPX374: Software Engineering Industry Project (with Vimal Kumar)
Trimester 2020-A (March to July)
  • COMPX101: Introduction to Programming (with Mike Mayo).

Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

  • CMP267: Novel Internet Architectures and Paradigms. This course presented “the five Internets”, historical, empirical, devices (IoT), content (ICN), and software (SDN, NFV, P4). 2013-2019
  • CMP230: Systems Security. Main parts of Matt Bishop’s book Computer Security: Art & Science. 2013-2018
  • CMP260: P2P Networks. 2010-2012
  • INF1154: Computer Networks. Based on Jim Kurose & Keith Ross’ book Computer Networks: a top-down approach. 2010-2019
  • INF1142: Operating Systems. Based on Peterson & Silberschatz’ book Operating System Concepts. 2008-2010

Teaching Awards

In Brazil, there is typically one graduation ceremony per semester, with students graduating in Computer Science or Computer Engineering programs. Each of these undergraduate programs select, by vote, two professors they considered the best/most influential in their 4-5 years of study. This is a very prestigious distinction, specially when the faculty is in the order of 60-70 professors and lecturers. I have been fortunate enough to be awarded several times in my career, spanning different higher-education institutions.

  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UFRGS, class of 2017/1
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UFRGS, class of 2016/2
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UFRGS, class of 2016/1
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UFRGS, class of 2015/1
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UFRGS, class of 2011/2
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UNISINOS University, class of 2007/2
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UNISINOS University, class of 2007/1
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UNISINOS University, class of 2006/1
  • Best Lecturer: Computer Science, UNISINOS University, class of 2002/2


  • marinho.barcellos@waikato.ac.nz
  • School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, The University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, Waikato 3240
  • Gate 8, Block G, 1st. floor, Office G.1.05
  • Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00
  • DM Me