Since October 2019 I have been with the University of Waikato. In the past, I worked at INF/UFRGS Federal University (Associate Professor, 2010–2019), UNISINOS University (Adjunct Professor, 1993–2008), PUC-RS University (2008–2009), as well as an Invited Adjunct Professor at UNAL, Colombia.
My research has addressed a range of challenges as technology evolved, covering the non-functional properties of performance, security and resilience of networked systems and their underlying protocols. My key research interest has been on Internet measurements and network security.
I have regularly contributed to the network research community by serving in multiple committees. I was the general co-chair of ACM SIGCOMM 2016 and have been serving as Program Committee co-chair of ACM CoNEXT 2022. I have contributed as a member of several Technical Program Committees of conferences: ACM CoNEXT, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICNP, ACM HotNets, ACM IMC, IFIP Networking, etc. I was a member of the ACM SIGCOMM Executive Committee 2017-2021, and have been a co-chair of the ACM SIGCOMM CARES committee. I also contributed as a member of the steering committees of ACM CoNEXT and the PAM conference, and chairing the Advisory Board of the ACM PACM-NET journal.
I am fortunate to have supervised many bright students (and hope some new ones look for me in the future). Contact me if you are interested, but to be sure I am a good fit for you, please first read my recent papers and be ready to talk about the ones that interested you: it’s a proof-of-work without which you may not get a response :) If you are unaware of my work, I may not respond to your email.
PhD in Computer Science, 1998
Newcastle University, UK
MSc in Computer Science, 1993
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
BSc in Computer Science, 1989
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil